Tuesday 17 July 2012

Emerging market Packaging

There are some markets that are becoming popular. For instance, health and wellness, body care, natural cosmetics, and other tech sectors are constantly coming forth, and when you start to extend your reach, you need to look at emerging markets. 

With a lot of opportunities, there’s a lot of different ways for you to look at the unique markets and the packaging associated with this. you will also learn that there are some challenges that brands might have when exploring new markets, which we’ll go over here. 

Cultural sensitivity 

When you’re looking to tap into new markets, you have to follow the customs, and give them something that they will like. A common problem is people will put out a new product, and then not realize till after the fact that they’re being insensitive. It’s only when reviews and feedback come in, that they realize they should not have put out the packaging with that color.

You must understand the preferences and local customs.    A European market is not going to like some cutesy cartoons, unless it’s marketed towards kids.  Asian countries might like that more, but don’t put black on the packaging, for that means death in China. You want to make sure that the packaging does meet the cultural contexts, so if you find that there’s something you can do better, then make sure that you change it. 

Affordability and Accessibility 

The packaging does need to be affordable too. luxury packaging is nice, but if you want to make your packaging appealing to many, don’t let the costs get eaten up there. 

For instance, using corrugated cardboard is good. Some might be able to utilize various bags as well, many of which are cheaper to manufacture than larger boxes made of higher quality materials. 

As for accessibility, you also want to make sure it’s easy for these people to open. The last thing people want is to get something that they can't open, so always make sure that you have perforated edges, or simple instructions to open up the packages. 


Finally, you do need to focus on the environmental considerations. 

Some areas, especially Europe, even have taxes if you use plastic packaging. Those costs go back to you, so make sure that you factor this in accordingly.

It’s more than just the taxes and government levies, it’s also just how customers look at you. if you’re constantly putting out packaging that’s got excess, and way too much void fill, they’re not going to like it.

You should promote eco-friendly practices with the materials that you have. Utilize biodegradable and compostable types of materials whenever you can, and you should also, when you do this, limit the void fill and excess. 

In general, do your research on what’s good and what’s not so good in each market.   Some of the older markets might be okay with only a little bit of eco-friendly materials. But, if you’re going to be appealing to the millennial audience, then you want to make sure that you limit the excessive and wasteful packaging 

Emerging markets are constantly growing, and you want to expand your business. With that said, always make sure that you take the time and effort necessary to learn about the cultures and packaging that you might have. 

With so many emerging markets coming about, you do need to be mindful of it. The advent of smart technology is leading many down the path of utilization for their packaging.

Figure out what works for you, and use accordingly, to see how your packaging can shape the markets.

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